About us
NewPen DOO was founded in 2018 in Smederevska Palanka, Serbia, with the aim of offering something new to the market of pencils and crayons. Our products, graphite pennils and crayons made of recycled newsprint, aim primarily at protecting the environment in many ways.
The use of recycled paper instead of wood, non-toxic materials, minimal energy consumption and dominant manual labor in production, unequivocally indicate the orientation of our company towards environmental protection.
All these environmentally friendly factors are accompanied by the excellent quality of the graphite found in our pens. NewPen, as the only company in Europe that produces such pencils and crayons, wants to raise people’s awareness of the importance of nature conservation. Especially in the age in which we live, when we are surrounded by harmful influences from all sides, environmental awareness is never needed.
We strive to make a small but significant contribution to nature conservation and a better and healthier environment with our products.

A humble beginning
In January 2019 the machines arrive and then our story officially begins. Then, in fact, after months of great enthusiasm, we realize what problems we will face before we say ‘We have a product!’. The first problem was actually setting up the machines and putting them into operation. Fortunately, serious engineers came to our aid and took a little time to understand how machines work and how to put them in proper work. After only about 20 days, we managed to make the first pen, but we quickly realized that it would not be able to be serial production. First of all, because the glue used for the production of such pencils in Eastern (China and India) countries. That kind of glue is very unhealthy in product itself, and ultimately in the production as well. We were looking for an adhesive that was made according to health standards, which is not toxic for use or production, but on the other hand, that pencil has strength, and is soft enough to sharp lightly. It was certainly a big problem and we searched for a company for several months that could deliver something like that to us. We tried the products of several manufacturers and in the end we have decided to use a product of a small family company that can supply us with the glue in the required quantities. In June of the same year, we invited the same engineers who helped us put the machines into operation, to devise and make a sharpening machine for us. After a couple of months of work, that machine arrives and it has made our production so much easier and faster that we can now produce enough pencils and crayons to cover the market demands.

The future is bright
In January 2020, we visited the Paper World fair in Frankfurt, where we met Mr. Mile Stojkovski, the owner of the company Grafoteks from Skopje. He connects us with Karl Kallinger, co-owner of KALLILA Sales Innovation KG, who immediately liked our products. In March of the same year, just before the lock-down of the whole world, due to the COVID19 pandemic, we signed an agreement with Kallila, according to which they will represent us in several markets of Western Europe (Germany, the Netherlands, Austria…). Unfortunately, the situation with COVID19 slowed down our cooperation a bit, but we are in constant communication and we received great reactions from them to the samples we had sent. We hope for successful cooperation with them in the years to come. In April, we are signed some more contracts with domestic distributors and we are slowly but surely entering the Serbian market. Our pens appear in retail stores and bookstores, primarily in the south and west of Serbia. In the fall, we were launched a marketing campaign, mostly on social networks, people are learning more and more about our pens and crayons, communication with customers started to rise, so the selling network rises more and more as well. Our products are sold in a completely satisfactory quantity and for now we do not have a single negative reaction to their quality. Thanks to that campaign, some environmental and business portals find out about our products and write about us. Interest is growing and we are becoming very recognizable.
I pored dominantnog ručnog rada u proizvodnji, pronašli smo način da pravimo zavidan broj olovki i bojica dnevno.
Our values
First of all we are a group of friends and only then a company. This means that we have set up all the differences in such way that we support each other and not restrain each other. We raise this company not because of material values, but for each other.
- LEARNING AND PROGRESS: As a company that has provided to the people with something new, a product that has environmental value, we understand that only by learning we can progress and make our pencils and crayons as interesting and high quality as possible through the time to come. We will actively invest in research and development. We will be open to suggestions and new ideas. Our company will strive to continuously improve its work.
- GAME AND FUN: We will never be old enough to stop playing. Without games and fun there is no smile, and we don’t want to stop smiling. Through play and fun, we want to listen what children want to tell us, how they see our products and in what ways they want to use them.
- ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS: We understand that the company's growth will lead to new challenges in the storage of waste generated in production and we are already making plans on how to address these issues. We are committed to working on these issues together with the local community, government representatives and non-governmental organizations.
- INTEGRITY AND RESPECT: We want to make friends through business, not just business partners and customers. We want to be open and honest with business partners in mutual communication, without any hidden intentions. We put the customer in the foreground and the satisfaction of using our products is what drives us.
- INNOVATION AND QUALITY: At the very beginning, we raised the bar high in terms of innovation. This puts us in the position that every product we put on the market must be something new and different. However, we put the quality of our products first. We do not want to be recognized only by the ecological product, but also by the quality we offer.
eco friendly from the beginning
Ecological conscience
We understand that the growth of our company will lead to new environmental challenges for which we are already making plans on how to solve them.
We do not want to be just a principle environmentally conscious company, but to essentially work on improving living conditions. Primarily in the local community in which we operate.

Our mission
The right to choose
NewPen company was founded with the desire and idea to offer the market of pencils and crayons a unique, innovative product that will meet the daily needs of users. We are the first and for now the only company in Europe engaged in the production of pencils and crayons from recycled newsprint.
- We want to provide the market with a product that is high quality and not just environmentally friendly.
- We have a mission to be recognizable as a company that is essentially ecological and not just in principle.
- We strive to be innovative and to make our products recognizable in the market.
With its products, NewPen wants to offer consumers, above all, the right to choose. The right to contribute to the preservation of the environment and to change the future.
Kada uzmeš, moraš nešto i da vratiš
Društvena odgovornost
Živimo i poslujemo u malom gradu u kome nam rastu i naša deca. Društvenim radom želimo da pokažemo da kompanija nije velika samo ako zaradjuje dosta novca, već i načinom na koji se odnosi prema zajednici u kojoj posluje.
Our vision
Although we consciously went into battle with time and "windmills", and taking into account that we already had obstacles in the realization of the idea, that does not discourage us. On the contrary, we will be persistent on that path, trying to expand our offer, to raise people's awareness and to form a strong community of socially responsible people.
- Short-term plan: One of the short-term goals is the expansion of the distribution network and permanent representation in retail facilities in the country as well as the final implementation of the signed cooperation agreement with KALLILA Sales Innovation KG and entering the foreign market. Also, we want to increase the number of products that our company offers. We are already making plans for what it could be and at the same time maintain the ecological and innovative direction we have set.
- Long-term plan: The long-term plan is to build a larger production plant in which we will be able to monitor all environmental aspects related to production (waste and energy consumption for example). We believe that such a plant will help us make a sufficient amount of pens and crayons to expand the market and grow the company.
We believe that our products will be world wide recognizable and that when mentioning the country of Serbia and its natural resources, the first association will be the company NewPen as the main driver in preserving and protecting this beauty, but also showing that production can take place in other way.

Dragan Marković
Work hour
- Monday 07h-15h
- Tuesday 07h-15h
- Wednesday 07h-15h
- Thursday 07h-15h
- Friday 07h-15h
- Saturday - Maybe non-working
Njegoseva 5 11420 Smederevska Palanka Srbija
office@newpen.rs newpen.sr@gmail.com
- +381 66 317 662